Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Moroccan Lemon Chicken with Mango Chutney and Coconut Rice

This evening Frankie, Zezhi and I were searching through the Gourmet Meals in Minutes by the Culinary Institute of America and found Moroccan Lemon Chicken.  It was a collaboration of the three of us and it came out fantastic.  Mind you with some bickering on the part of Zezhi and I, arguing who will make the chutney and who is doing the chicken,he even got me to stomp my foot like a five year old, it eventually came  together.  Frankie elegantly swooped in and began making the dessert... Molten Lava Cake with cayenne which can be found on  We tend to get excited over our productions, so the dancing and clapping while kneeling and staring hard into the oven is not uncommon...sad but true.

Don't be fooled, though we will reference cookbooks and frequently, we will feature our own recipes.  suggestions are greatly appreciated, tell us your favorite meals and we will attempt them (of course with the feedback to you).   

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